“Water Is Like Milk, and Milk Is Like Honey”

One sentiment expressed by our local partner with POWER really struck home. Sammy articulated the importance of water to the Maasai people. He used the comparison that for them “water is like milk, and milk is like honey”. In other words – milk is something that the Massai rely on for just about everything in their lives. It is absolutely essential in their culture.  Water is of equal importance and pivotal to a healthy community. Water is further emphasized by being compared to honey, a Maasaian luxury.

Alice at tankWe have to look for ways to improve the construction of tanks year after year. This is why it is absolutely essential that we work with our beneficiaries to get a sense of what is working well and where improvements can be made. These consultations have led to extra effort and dedication towards improving tanks made by Ryan’s Well. It is amazing that we can reach incredibly remote locations that often lack support from any other source and build such an essential structure.  It really is a joy to be helping bring honey to these families and communities.

Talk soon,

Ryan Signature

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