Rainwater, Rukungiri and Rural Life

blog 1 SusanAnnnnnnd we’re off! It was bitter sweet leaving Kenya. We were able to see over fifty of our projects in a very short period of time, which was really remarkable for me to witness. As great as the development was in Kenya, we’re off to the country where it all started—Uganda. We have a special partnership with an inspirational group called RWIDF (Rukungiri Women Development Foundation) here in Uganda. This group is made up of AIDS widows that have mobilized and started a collective. Through a lot of hard work and perseverance, they have been able to provide for themselves, as well as look at ways to better their community.

The work we do here in the Rukungiri area is on the border of the Congo and it is very mountainous and rough. Since it is such a difficult terrain, it is not a hospitable environment for a well, so we mostly build protected springs and filtration systems that catch the water runoff from the surrounding mountains. With these projects, we are able to provide a clean water source for people in very rural areas. Along my travels to these rural areas, I met a young girl named Susan who expressed her upmost gratitude and told me that getting water “was much, much better” than her previous water source. I love seeing the impact we can have on so many lives from half-a-world away!

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