17 Wells for Communities: Phase 3 WASH

Project Partner: Divine Waters

Ryan’s Well is aiming to provide well management and WASH training to 17 villages where 17 wells will be built. There will be many workshops conducted with community committees and pump mechanics to ensure the sustainability of each well to the Omoro Sub-County in Northern Uganda.

Your donation will provide:

  • Pump mechanic training
  • Community workshops
  • Well management
  • WASH training

The job is not over when the well is built. It takes continuous training and maintenance to ensure the continued success of these projects.

Partner: Divine Waters

Project Cost: $143,750

Fund Code: UGDIV2016

Every effort is made to designate your funds as requested; however, if the specified project has become fully funded orĀ unforeseenĀ circumstances delay its start, we may allocate your donation to another important project.