WASH Sustainability

Project Partner: All Partners


Ryan’s Well and our partners are working hard to ensure that the people we serve continue to experience the benefits of safe water, access to basic sanitation and improved hygiene for many years to come. This takes a variety of skills, knowledge, funding, people-power and co-operation.

We continue to research the latest approaches to achieve clean water for all, and look to determine how Ryan’s Well can best support partners and communities towards WASH sustainability – ensuring long term benefits of water, sanitation and hygiene. WASH sustainability will remain at the forefront of our ongoing project work to ultimately improve the health and well-being of vulnerable communities.

Ryan’s Well and our partners will work together this year in three key areas towards WASH Sustainability:

  • Train and Build Capacity of Community-based Water Management Committees to maintain cleanliness around water sites, as well as collect funds for future well repairs.
  • Promote Community Ownership of Water Projects and WASH to mobilize community participation and avoid community reliance on external aid.
  • Facilitate Community Experience Sharing Workshops to ensure women, girls and the most vulnerable peoples participate in the project and have a voice in decision-making