Ghana: 6 Villages and a Maternity Clinic

Amansie, Ghana

Partner: DONA (Dawn of the New Age)

Project Code: GHDONA2018


Donation Goal For This Project is $87,975
0% Donated/$87,975 To Go

Ryan’s Well and DONA will continue working with the Ashanti people in the Amansie area of Ghana this coming year. During our recent monitoring work of this past years work, 6 Villages and a health / maternity clinic that services 18 communities were identified as being in desperate need of gaining access to potable water. This year we will be constructing 7 wells in this location.

Communities will be organized with the assistance of government district water officers. Extensive WASH training will take place in all communities, a critical piece that needs to take place ensuring the “safe water chain” is in place to improve the health of people living in the communities in which we work.

What will the funds raised support? 

  • Drilling of 7 wells (at 6 Villages and a health / maternity clinic)
  • Community organization and assistance in planning and forming of water committees
  • Intensive WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene education) training
  • Ongoing local monitoring and evaluation

This project will provide approximately 4,500 people with access to potable water in Ghana. Communities will take ownership of their water sources so that ongoing maintenance and repairs take place in a timely manner without any outside assistance.

Water drop Logo Ghana