Community Re-Engagement & Organization of 5 Villages

Project Partner: Hôpital Albert Schweitzer

Ryan’s Well, with their partners at the Hopital Albert Schweitzer, are looking to bring stability to the lives of thousands in the humble area of Haiti. HAS is a long time partner of Ryan’s Well that strives to make sustainable water and sanitation projects that are identified in the day to day work of the hospital that they operate in this area of Haiti.

With your donations, we intend to fund the following:

  • Rehabilitation of 5 previously built wells
  • Construction of 50-60 thousand litre rain water harvesting tank and roof repair to the Ducoin Primary School
  • Construction of two blocks of 6 latrines and hand washing at 2 schools
  • Construction of one block of 6 latrines and hand washing at one of HAS health clinics
  • Reinforcement training for pump mechanics
  • Intensive WASH training at all locations
  • Ongoing local monitoring and evaluation

With your help, we can help bring clean water and sanitation to thousands in need. Make a donation today for a better future for so many.

Partner: Hôpital Albert Schweitzer

Project Cost: $57,500

Fund Code: HAHAS2016


Every effort is made to designate your funds as requested; however, if the specified project has become fully funded or unforeseen circumstances delay its start, we may allocate your donation to another important project.