Burkina Faso: 13 Wells and WASH Training

Burkina Faso project from the Ryan's Well Foundation

Eastern Burkina Faso

Partner: Ocades-Caritas Koupela

Project Code: BFOC2018

Donation Goal For This Project is $178,250
0% Donated/$178,250 To Go

Our partner, Ocades Caritas, in Eastern Burkina Faso brings many years of experience to the table. They are very well equipped to take on both the soft and hard deliverables of this project. Teams are trained in Community organization and planning from the outset before any work takes place. Water committees are in organized in both the communities and schools to ensure that there is community ownership, thereby getting the systems in place for regular maintenance and repairs that are ongoing. Extensive WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) will be delivered by experienced WASH teams. This project will provide approximately 5,250 people with access to potable water.

What will the funds raised support?

  • Community and Committee Organization
  • Drilling of 13 Deep Bore Hole Wells in Villages and Schools
  • Mobilization and WASH training for Community and School Water Committees
  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation

The communities and schools within the catchment area are very remote and do not receive any government assistance in the provision of potable water. This project will provide potable water to well over five thousand people.


Water drop Logo

Every effort is made to designate your funds as requested; however, if the specified project has become fully funded or unforeseen circumstances delay its start, we may allocate your donation to another important project

Burkina Faso