3 for 3 Project


Project Partner: AED

Donation Goal For This Project is $48,875
0% Donated/$48,875 To Go

By collaborating with our local on-the-ground partner AED (Action Enfance et Développement), Ryan’s Well hopes to provide three wells for the three schools of Democratie/Adetikondji Primary School, Atchanveglo Primary School, and Atiyi Primary School.

This project will focus on:

  • The drilling of three deep bore hole wells and will supply potable water to the students and immediate communities surrounding the three schools
  • Pre-project organization of the three schools
  • The formation of Water Committees, with community involvement at all stages.
  • Extensive WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) training for the students of all three schools.
  • Maintenance and repair training for six pump mechanics in order to ensure the sustainability of this project

Project Partner: AED Togo

Project Cost: $48,875.00

Fund Code: TOAED2017

Approximate Beneficiaries: 2,050

AED is also a strong partner with Canadian Organizations SCAW (Sleeping Children Around the World) and SET (Support.Education.Togo.). Together the three organizations, working in coordination with each other are doing joint pieces of work, combining the expertise each has in the myriad of support needed for students to thrive in Togo.

 Every effort is made to designate your funds as requested; however, if the specified project has become fully funded or unforeseen circumstances delay its start, we may allocate your donation to another important project.